Obama canceled Moon Flights approved by George Bush B4 Bank Crashes - Billions of dollar-hand-out saved Banks n American Economy
Obama may have to postpone expensive ''Moon Landings'' as a measure of current economic situation that has millions of americans unemployed.
We think the astronauts who spoke of "catastrophic consequences" and "disappointing" are of myopic view and rather selfish.
At the same meeting these words were spoken there stood a well balanced man -
Neil Armstrong the first man on the Moon - He wisely refused to be drawn into condemn the President for the cancellation of moon flights at this moment and time of an economic crisis in hand.
Astronauts are highly educated and trained to think fast - faster than us dummies -
Yet we get gems like these heros uttering pure . . . !
"I think America has a responsibility to maintain its leadership in technology and its moral leadership... to seek knowledge. Curiosity's the essence of human existence."
Ofcourse, curiosity is the essence of human existence, but NOT at the cost of an impending economy collapse
while feeding the sense of curiosity of a handful of moon walkers - not Michael Jackson though !
Jim Lovell, commander of the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission, said Obama's decision would have "catastrophic consequences" for US space exploration.
The last man on the Moon, Eugene Cernan, said it was "disappointing".
Last month Mr Obama cancelled Nasa's Constellation Moon landings programme, approved by ex-President George W Bush.
Nasa still aims to send astronauts back to the Moon, but it is likely to take decades.
Although Cernan and Lovell expressed their dismay with President Obama's decision, Mr Armstrong tactfully avoided the subject.
When Armstrong set foot on the Moon in July 1969, it seemed as if humanity would soon colonise other worlds.
The full BBC report is
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