Feel the sympathetic support it receives from every corner of the world - A few years back when a horribly bad ruler and his son ruined the country the rest of the world stood aloof saying ''We shouldn't interfere in internal matters of another country''. Is the world not interfering in Haiti by providing water, food, medicene, warm clothes and shelter - When a call or even a tweak for help wasn't heard from the President of the country.Do you remember what the world was doing when hurricane hit Burma just last year - 100s were dying in cold w/o clean water to drink and lack of food and medicene ?
And the Military Junta that governs Burma totally refused entry into Burma for the keen and ready to help ''Foreign Aid Agencies'' - The heartless ruling bastards did NOT offer any help when their own people were dying and UN was unable to raise the Haed of the govt even on the phone. Today the world has shrunk to a tiny village - A village so small the ''wife beaters'' have no freedom - A village so vigorous that when a man raises his hand against his wife at home the police is at his door - A good neighbour has used a phone positively. Likewise it is our bounden duty to give voice to inhuman atrocities active anywhere in the world.Care2.com is a site that helps by way of presenting letters of requests to world leaders - Have a look here
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/create-online-petition We hope to harness the support and power the millions of members of Care2.com in our effort to get honest and decent people to enter politics actively all over the world.Thank you,
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