Was that painful to you ? Well, it was to me. A Roman
Catholic. Child of a ''three Rosaries a Day'' woman.
Catholic rosary
Educated in the oldest Catholic school in the land. And a hosteller. Witnessed many couplings between Catholic Priests and boarders. a dirty priest taking advantage
Caused to report a case to local Bishop. The accused was sent out on a promotion !
Many other varied, but inter-connected, incidents made many of us attend to activities other than Church.
An E--mail this morning brings yet another report from Snowmail -- Channel 4 News ''Beyond Belief'' and goes on to say –‘child abuse on an industrial scale’.
Child Abuse Awareness
The investigation by an Irish High Court Judge shows::
1... child abuse on an industrial scale in the four decades following the second world war
2... very probably for many, many years before that.
3... 1000s of young people were abused by hundreds of priests, brothers and nuns
4... the care homes, schools, and other institutions the Irish state ran in conjunction with the Catholic church
5... where most vulnerable young people were housed and schooled, generated worst of the abuse.
The former Polish Pope has gone on record with Apologies and millions of dollars as compensation to some of the abused.
The current Pope Benedict the 16th has Apologised to Australian victims of Catholic Priests.
Pope Benedict XVI
Does not a humble thought, arise in all of us ''Are these holy Popes, past and present, of the last twenty odd centuries, innocent and ignorant of what is taking place between Priests and Nuns and the Children under their care ?
''Do they not realise Catholic Priests with their vows of Celibacy are NOT exempt from God given ''Nature'' ?
Sex is natural --- Sex between ''man'' and ''woman'', as it should be, is a balancing gift given to human by the Creator.
act of love
This week's Outlook of BBC has an item on the opinion of two banking entrepreneur women ''The imbalance of man and woman in Boardrooms of Wall Street caused the present Financial Crisis. Leave alone ''man's Greed''.
They do have a point there.
The ''act of love'' between our parents gave us the gift of ''Life''. Rev Archbishop Desmond Tutu said it better than me.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
And Catholic Priests, being human with all faculties functioning, as is said, ''all cylinders go'', will have their organs pump up ''Semen''.
Collected ''semen'' will agitate the poor man's brain and that alerts the senses - - -
An equally poor child nearby is abused !
But for the wisdom of the Holy Pope !!
We know when the last good Pope John-Paul the 2nd apologised for the wrong Catholic Church did to Galileo Galilei 400 years ago.
Catholic Church will never relinquish its tenacious hold on the Celibacy of Priests --- use of Condoms or Birth Control methods and freedom of choice for Women.
'freedom of choice'
Then the Church should, for the safety of the Children,
add ''Masturbation'' in its curriculum of Theology.
This might, to a certain degree, save the Children from the lustful eyes of holy Priests and souly Nuns.
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