In 2010 Australia will become another Iran-China duo !The proposal of a bill to protect kids of porn content would effectively
give the powers that be a means of shutting down views it disagrees with on any subject, even other than adult sexual content.It would also characterise opponents and critical supporters like us, as nerdy minority and/or perverts. The advent of Internet and modern dot com facilities have made our voices be heard loud and clear, silent we may be though!
give the powers that be a means of shutting down views it disagrees with on any subject, even other than adult sexual content.It would also characterise opponents and critical supporters like us, as nerdy minority and/or perverts. The advent of Internet and modern dot com facilities have made our voices be heard loud and clear, silent we may be though!

The innovative machines are for use in remote and harsh environments, by school children.
Their features are, sunlight readable display and open source software.
The original model XO has been distributed to more than 1.4 million children in 35 countries.
Uruguay has bought a computer for every one of their school children.
The organisation believes the new design will cost significantly less than "50, 60 or 70 euros".
Governments could pay this back over a period, so each child could have a computer for less than one euro per month.
The concept shows a touchscreen, a camera, induction charger, and a carrying ring on one of its corners.
It includes a chip from UK firm ARM, set for launch in 2011.
Nicholas Negroponte, founder and chairman of OLPC said that he hoped that industry would now go ahead with the new design of the XO-3.
1 comment:
Please tell me what OLAP is. One Laptop Per Child project could not keep the cost lower than $ 100.00. Prof Negroponte said Intel people have hindered their progress and not helped at all. So he joined AMD the 2nd ranked Computer Chip maker. Here too the design of laptop kept the price over $ 200 and not under $ 100 as they dreamt.
Many bloggers pointed out even $ 100 is too much for a 3rd world country.
So, they have changed the design from 'folding type' to a touch screen model that could be produced at a cost lower than 100 - may be 50, 60 or 70.
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