Am into search for ultimate truth of what we are and what's around us. That's all. Am a common, average man --- may be even more stupider than you. But will not admit to that truth. Never.Let's see, for example, women are generally spoken of as inferior lot or love machines with beautiful figures and pretty faces that arouse men to be sexually active. Yes, we do admit some women make use of their advantage and weakness of male by dressing provocatively and cause trouble for males and themselves too.
We will leave those scum alone and focus on the soft, kind, patient, tender mothers and nurses of human kind we all know and love. After all our first 'love' is our 'Mother'. We all know how we are made. The 'love making' of our father and mother --- a sperm from father enters an egg in mother to fertilize and grow day by day. Then the miracle happens --- and 'am', the 'me', this 'myself', is born after about 38 weeks --- or in other words approximately 40 weeks from the last normal menstrual period of our Mother. On reading further we found a nice little piece of information that most 'Men' and the 'Church' kept hidden from the general common man. That's you and I.All living things are made of 'Chromosomes' --- shall we say, the base of 'Genes' and 'DNA' of which we are all made up of and we do have a general idea of what they are. They say, a Fruit Fly has 8 chromosomes, Earthworm 36, Rabbit 44, Hares 48, Elephants 56, the bloody Donkey 62, the faithful Dog 78, the beautiful swimmer in a tank Goldfish 100-104, and the insignificant ordinary Kingfisher has a total of 132 chromosomes. Then what about us, the humans ? Oh, here lies the crux of the matter. We have 22 different types, each present as two copies, and two sex chromosomes. That gives a total of 46 chromosomes --- Two sets of chromosomes --- one set from the Mother and another from the Father. And so, from where did the 'chauvinist' Male get the idea that 'He' is more than equal to his 'Female' companion ? Probably in 'His' false mental make up --- That seeped into every organized religion !
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