Sexual abuse issue raised as Pope Benedict visits Malta
The Pope is in Malta on a pilgrimage in the footsteps of St Paul ---
Malta's president George Abela referred to an abuse trial involving three Catholic Priests --- welcoming the Pope Benedict on the island ---.
George Abela said justice had both to be done and seen to be done --- the priests are accused of sexually abusing orphaned children ---
It is the Pope's first foreign trip since abuse scandals came to a head.
A few Catholic Priests not only abused children under their charge, in orphanages and school hostels ---
But also abused nuns in convents and women who came to confess their sins too ---
'' History of the Catholic Church '', a book in Index, lays out clearly and distinctly the doings of these wamton priests ---
It is horrific to read how new born babies were thrown into lime pits to hide the evidence of fornication ---
Catholic Priests in general perform wonderful service to the society with enormous sacrifices ---
History speaks well of their exemplary services ---
However, a few among them, besides abuse of children under their charge, commit sodomy, defiled nuns in convent, raped women at confessionals ---
And above all, Catholic Priests, wrought vengence on their victims if they noticed an inclination in the victim of reporting the abuse ---
Worst of all, reports by Bishops and Archbishops were shelved as a matter of routine, as a typical behaviour of hierarchy of the Catholic Church --- '' cover ups '' of the sexual abuse for fear of bringing disrepute to their Church ---
Their main livelihood and pompous status in society ---
To impress upon the victim and the public in general that there had been no untoward incident the culprit priest was transferred out on a promotion ---
Similar to a police officer being promoted on transfer after a political killing.
The young seminarians having observed the trend of crime and non--punishment in their Church --- freely commit sexual abuse if they are inclined towards it ---
Would you blame the priest for his transgression ?
No doubt, ''Male'' chauvinism is strongly entrenched, established firmly and securely, in the Roman Catholic Church.
For their own survival alone !
How and why did this situation develop in the sanctity of the Catholic Church ?
Sexual urge of ''some'', ''few'' Catholic Priests could NOT be controlled under vow of Celibacy ---
Centuries earlier when the Catholic Church held sway, the sins of the priests were covered up by higher authorities for fear of bringing disrepute to the Catholic Church ---
Printing Press came into being and factual, humorous books like Decameron were begun to be published ---
Decameron narrates how a priest confessor would get the woman to kneel down in front of him in close proximity, face to face, ---
Commence to pray for forgiveness of her sins ---
All the while the Priest played with her body parts ---
Even ardent Catholics chuckle reading these Decameron stories.
One should read it to believe ---
Just as Bible was compiled from almot 800 books by erudite men (No women) ---
Decameron was compiled by erudite, reform minded men ---
And the Catholic Church vehemently suppressed these books ---
The Catholic Church created a list of banned books called '' The Index '' ---
Marie Corelli, a wonderful woman writer, too found her books in the Index ---
And all faithfuls were forbidden to read any of those books ---
In fact, the Bible was forbidden to be read by faithfuls even though it was NOT placed on the Index ---
In modern times, as we experience, communication has developed so much that violations or crimes by Catholic Priests are made public with glee ---
Cover Ups of the abuses of the priests, called reverently as '' Father '', led to this sorrowful situation ---
The web site '' The Catholic Cover up . Com '' is a sample read ---
The current Pope, Benedict the 16th, was the responsible perpetrator ---
Cardinal Ratzinger, for over 20 years, was the head of the section '' Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith '' --- the Vatican office dealing with child abuses ---
Cardinal Ratzinger is the curent Pope Benedict the 16th ---
And he is now apologising from Sydnet to Mexico City and paying out immense amount of money to former victims as compensation ---
The '' cover ups '' gave courage to sexually motivated priests to abuse all and sundry with impunity ---
In those times, while he held the seat of power, Cardinal Ratzinger was busy finding quotes of Church ---
NOT to allow priests to marry ---
NOT to allow women to become priests ---
NOT to allow use of '' condoms '' in family planning '' ---
NOT to allow use of ''condoms'' as an aid to prevent spread of HIV/AIDS ---
No wonder many millions became non-practicing Catholics ---
Pope Benedict the 16th is a disgrace to Catholic Church and by all moral standards he should RESIGN !
An archbishop wrote letters in 1996 to Cardinal Ratzinger calling for disciplinary proceedings against Fr Lawrence Murphy ---
Fr Murphy is believed to have molested some 200 boys at St John's School for the Deaf in St Francis, Wisconsin, between 1950 and 1974.
A canonical trial authorised by Cardinal Ratzinger's deputy was halted after Fr Murphy wrote to the future pope asking that proceedings be stopped, despite objections from a second archbishop.
The accused priest said in the letter that he was ill and wanted to live out the remainder of his time in the "dignity of my priesthood".
Victims say Fr Murphy - who died in 1998 - assaulted boys while hearing their confessions, in his office, his car, at his mother's house and in their dormitory beds.
He was quietly moved to the Diocese of Superior in northern Wisconsin in 1974, where he spent his last 24 years working freely with children in parishes and schools, according to one lawsuit.
Lawsuits have been filed on behalf of five men alleging the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in Wisconsin did not take sufficient action against the priest.
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