''2 Dollar Help ''It is sad indeed there seems to be a rift prevailing in our minds of the sufferings experienced by our people in the former war zone of Vavyniya and those in other parts of Lanka. To know the internal turmoil our Tamil people are suffering within Colombo, mostly, we had the oppurnity to explore two slum areas.Wanathamulla, where Saravanamuthu Cricket Stadium is established.And Orugodawatte, Welampitiya. The people in these areas speak both languages -- Tamil at home and Sinhala in outter world --They mingle freely and easily with Sinhala and Muslim communities --And they emphatically state Tamil has no commercial value -- And school students say they speak Tamil to communicate with parents and elderly at home -- Even though parents and elderly could speak Sinhala very fluently.The Tamil language bond is maintained at home. People in Negombo and Chilaw too use Tamil at home and Sinhala out of home.We identified two families --Rajani Kanth -- A driver of 3 Wheeler who took us around and guided our explorative passage in those areas -- Father of two boys of 6 and 4 years.They do not cook their own food at home as ingradients are too costly -- and the family is immersed in re-payment of Housing Loan --They pay an enormous interest at Rs 300/= per day -- Each each and every day ! Selvi, Kalai Selvi, a nurse at a private clinic and ''Elderly Day Care Centre'' --
In-mates of her bright home among 1000s of tin roofed hovels are --Father - retired Petroleum Coporation employe, turned Auto-Rickshaw ( 3 Wheeler) who sold his auto vehicle to pay a month's
interest --
Mother a stomach cancer patient attending Maharagama Cancer Institute --
Brother - separated from his young family who contributes a small sum towards ''interest payment'' --
A ten year old son -- Selvi pays, now close your eyes, Rs 20,000/= a month as interest alone.Am I helping the poor ?Or am I biting more than I can chew ?But my heart goes out to them too !

interest --
Mother a stomach cancer patient attending Maharagama Cancer Institute --
Brother - separated from his young family who contributes a small sum towards ''interest payment'' --
A ten year old son -- Selvi pays, now close your eyes, Rs 20,000/= a month as interest alone.Am I helping the poor ?Or am I biting more than I can chew ?But my heart goes out to them too !
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